Neko Drift! Mac OS
Neko Drift! Mac OS
- Neko Drift Mac Os X
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- Neko Drift Mac Os Catalina
- Neko Drift Mac Os X
- Neko Drift Mac Os Download
'Nekoze' is 'Neko' + 'Se' which means a slight stoop. Nekoze requires Mac OS X 10.7 or later and a person with Nekoze NOTE: Nekoze uses face recognition to detect your posture. The start button is grayed out when your face is not recognized. It highly depends on the light condition, so you should move the light or change the position of your Mac. Neko Type-R for Mac OS v.1.1 Run, kitty, run!.insert furious typing motions here. Neko Type-R is a small game I whipped up in 21 days for “Accelerated”, a racing themed contest that the fine folks over at ran in January 2005.
version 4.03
November, 2016
This is a one-locus, two-allele genetic simulation program for use bystudents. It simulates multiple populations and allows you to see theeffect of natural selection, mutation, migration, and genetic drift. Itis freely downloadable. It is written in Java, and will run onWindows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems if they have Java installed on them.Drop it! mac os. At its web site a downloadable 'zip archive' which contains a Java archive file whichhas the Java executable as well as the Java source code. It also hasthis web page. There is also a folder imagesfor the screenshot images used in this web page. The compiled Java codein the Java archive file can be run on any system that hasa reasonably recent version of Java installed.
The Java source for popg is called and is in the folder src. It was developed in the Eclipse development environment but any environment you are comfortable with will do.Normally you will not need thesource code and you will not need to recompile the program. The source codeis there so you can see how things were done and use itas a base to make changes to the program and extensions of the program, should you wish to do so.
Getting PopG
You can fetch PopG using the links below.
We have posted a Zip archive of PopG, including Java archives and documentationfiles. This archive is file To get it
- Fetch it here.
- Install it using the instructions below.
- Make sure you have a version of Java on your computer.
Installing PopG
Here are instructions for saving, unpacking, and installing PopG from differentbrowsers, and on operating systems. We cover the Chrome, Firefox, Safari,and Internet Explorer browsers on the Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operatingsystems.
Using Chrome on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux
- Click on the link.
- A downwards-pointing animated arrow in the lower-left portion of thebrowser window will move, pointing to a tab there called
- will now be found in your Downloads folder.
- Click (or if this does not work, double-click) on the file.The Zip archive will be extracted intothe Downloads folder. A folder PopG will be created in theDownloads folder.
- Move that folder to where you want it to be.
Using Firefox on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X
- Click on the link.
- A dialog box opens and offers to let you Save File. Choose that.
- The Zip archive will be in your Downloads folder.
- Double-click on it. The archive will be extracted and a folderPopG created in the Downloads folder.
- Move that folder to where you want it to be.
Using Internet Explorer on Windows
- Click on the link.
- A dialog box opens and offers to let you Save File. Choose that.
- The Zip file will be downloaded into the downloads folder and will beautomatically extracted. A folder PopG will be created in theDownloads folder.
- Move it where you want it to be.
Using Safari on Mac OS X
- Click on the link.
- The Zip file will be downloaded into the downloads folder and will beautomatically extracted. A folder PopG will be created in theDownloads folder.
- Move it where you want it to be.
A MAC PROBLEM: On Mac OS X systems, when you attempt to extract the Zip archive, or when you attempt to run the Java executable, the system may complain that this is from an unknown developer. That is simply because I did not sign the file with my Apple Developer ID. You should be able to make the operation work by control-clicking on the icon and selecting the option to open the file, using the defaults suggested. Once it successfully gets past this, it will not bother you with this again.
The Java archive
The Java archive file PopG.jar will exist in the folder PopGonce you have downloaded and installed PopG.If you have Java installed on yoursystem, you should be able to run the Java program by finding the folderPopG and clicking ordouble-clicking on the icon of the file PopG.jar
The documentation page
The PopG folder also includes the present documentation web page which you are now reading. This can be read here or you can use the Save As menu item in the File menu of your browser to save a copy of it on your machine. The latest version of this page can be read on the Web using this link.
Older versions of PopG
There are also older executable versions compiled for Windows, Mac OS X, andLinux systems, plus some even older operating systems.These can be fetched from folder old at our PopG site.Most users should not use these older executables, but if you do, you should start by reading theREADME file in that folder. One of the versions there is version 3.4,which has compiled executables for the three major operating systemsavailable as well as C source code. These may be useful if you do not haveJava and cannot install it on your system.
Where are the Android and iOS versions?`
We would like to make versions available for tablets and even phones.Unfortunately, a version of Java that can use the graphics functions doesnot seem to exist on the Android operating system and the iOS operatingsystem. We would have to rewrite the program separately for each of those. Ifyou know of a way to run our Java executables on either of those operatingsystems, and get it to work, please let us know how you did that.
Making sure you have Java on your computer
If you have Java installed you can run the PopG program. Generally,Java will be already installed on Mac OS X systems and on Linux systems. If you aren't sure if you have Java installed, you can type java -version in a command window and, it Java exists, it will tell you what the version is. If you get back a blank line, you need to either download Java or append where it is to your search path.On Windows systems and on Mac OS X or Linux systems that do not have Java,you can install a recent version of Java at no cost by using this link: Recent Linux and Mac OS X systemsusually have a recent-enough version of Java already installed. Mac OS Xsystems 10.4 (Leopard) and earlier may not have a recent-enough Java to beable to run PopG. Windows systems do not come with Java already installed,but it can be installed on them from the above web site.
Running the program
To run the PopG Java program you should simply click (or double-click) on theicon of the PopG.jar file (you can also run it from a command window by navigating to where PopG.jaris stored and typing java -jar PopG.jar). The start up screen looks like this:
There are two menus, File and Run, that control PopG. They are in the upper left of the main PopG window.
The Run menu
The Run menu contains five items: Continue w/, Continue, New Run, Restart, and Display Whole Plot.
The first time it is picked, it looks like:
with all but New Run grayed out. Once you have done your first run, all the selections will be active.
The random number generator
The program uses a random number generator which automatically initializesfrom your system clock. Thus it should give you a different sequence of random numbers and thus a different result every time yourun the program. In the menu for a new run, there is a setting forRandom number seed which is set by defaultto (Autogenerate), which will initialize from thesystem clock. You probably won't have any reason to change this,unless you are debugging PopG and want to do the same run, with thesame random outcomes, twice. If you do wish to do the same exactrun twice, enter a value in place of the (Autogenerate)string and PopG will use that to initialize the random number generator. Assuming you have not modified the calcPopG routine within the Java code,every time you start with that random number you will get exactly the same results.
The File menu
This contains four menu items. They are Save,Print, About and Quit.
The first time it is displayed, it looks like:
with Save and Print grayed out. Once you have done your first run, they will be active.
- Save
- This opens a standard save file dialog and allows you to save the graph as a JPG or PNG file. The default name is PopG with the appropriate extension to match to file format.
- This opens a standard print dialog and allows you to select a printer and print the graph.
- About
- Displays the program's copyright notice.
- Quit
- This is self-explanatory: the program quits.
Compiling it yourself
Most people will not need to compile the program themselves as the Java Jar package supplied should run on most versions of Java.So you should probably skip this section. But if you wish to modify the functionality of PopG or if you have some unusual Java environment that will not run the supplied Jar fileyou will need a Java compiler. We repeat: If you just need to run the program,you should run the Jar file that comes in our distribution. You do not need to compile anything (though you may need to install Java).
If you do need to compile the program, you will find a src directoryin the downloaded and unzipped folder PopG which you got from oursite. Import the file from srcinto your favorite Java editor (we used Eclipse). You can eitherexecute it directly from there or export a Java Jar from the editorand execute it. does not reference anyexternal libraries, everything it needs is in the JavaSE-1.6system library. If you are modifying our program, once you have finisheddoing that you should have no problems creating the Java Jar,
If you cannot do, tell us, since that would be a bug.
Simulating with PopG
This program simulates the evolution of random-mating populations with two alleles, arbitrary fitnesses of the three genotypes, an arbitrary mutation rate, an arbitrary rate of migration between the replicate populations, andfinite population size.
The programs simulate simultaneously evolving populations with youspecifying the population size, the fitnessesof the three genotypes, the mutation rates in both directions (from A to aand from a to A), and the initial gene frequency. They alsoask for a migration rate among all the populations, which will make their genefrequencies more similar to each other. Much of the time (but not always!)you will want to set this migration rate to zero. In most respects theprogram is self-explanatory.
Initially there are ten populations. You can set the number ofsimultaneously-evolving populations to any number from 0 to 1000.The population size for each population can be any number from1 to 10000. Note that a larger population, a larger number of generations run, and a larger number of populations can lead to longer runs.
When you make a menu selection that causes the program to run,a graph of the gene frequencies of the A allele in each of thepopulations will be drawn in the window.Here is what the graph looks like when we run with an initial gene frequencyof 0.2 and fitnesses of AA, Aa, and aa set to 1.08, 1.04, and 1, with allother parameters in their default values. (Note that if you try this run,there will be different random numbers, so your result will be a bitdifferent).
Note that the window can beresized, and the graph should adjust to this. There is also a blue curve that shows what thegene frequencies would be in an infinite population (one with nogenetic drift). If the number of populations being simulated isset to zero, this curve is all you will see. The graph can be printed usingthe Printoption of the File menu, or saved to a Postscript file usingthe Save option in that menu.Note that once the plot of the gene frequency curves reaches theright-hand side of the graph, the program prints there the number ofpopulations that fixed for the A allele (ended up with afrequency of 1.0) and the number that lost this allele.
Neko Drift Mac Os X
The program can simulate a wide variety of cases, and you shouldexplore some of these. Here are some suggestions:
- Try cases with no mutation, no migration, and all fitnesses 1.0 sothat there is no selection. Does genetic drift in a population ofsize 1000 accomplish roughly the same changes in 1000 generations asgenetic drift in a population of size 100 does in 100 generations?By running a largish number of populations, can you check whetherthe probability that an allele is fixed by genetic drift is equal toits initial frequency in the populations?
- Try a case with no mutation or migration, with the Aallele favored by natural selection (with fitness of the AAgenotype set highest and fitness of the aa genotype setlowest). Start with a small frequency of A. Is it alwaysfixed? If one starts with a single copy of the allele, how doesthe probability that A is fixed compare with the selectioncoefficient favoring it in the heterozygote (the fraction bywhich the Aa genotype is higher compared to the fitnessof the aa genotype)? Is this fixation probability larger thanthe one you would get with the same initial frequency but with noselection?
- Try overdominance (Aa having the highest fitness). Doesthe gene frequency converge towards an equilibrium? Why does itvary from this equilibrium frequency? How large do the selectioncoefficients have to be to cause the gene frequency to stay away fromfixation or loss for large amounts of time?
- Try underdominance (Aa having the lowest fitness).Is there a starting gene frequency that will result in some populationsheading for fixation, and others heading for loss? If you add a smallamount of migration, what will happen in the long run? What will happen ifinstead you add a small amount of mutation in both directions?
- With migration but no selection or mutation, how much migration isneeded to make the gene frequency curves be quite similar to each other?How much is needed to make them all end up at the same gene frequencyin the long run?How is that migration rate affected by the population size?
- With mutation but no migration or selection, how much mutation isneeded to cause the gene frequencies to converge to a mutationalequilibrium gene frequency? How does this value relate to thepopulation size?
- If an allele is selected against, can you set up mutation ratesthat will maintain it at low frequency in the population?
Version 4.0 of PopG, the first Java version, was written by Ben Zawadzki.His enormously effective programming made good use of mentorship andadvice from our lab's Java wizard, Jim McGill.
The original version of PopG was written in the 1970s in FORTRAN by Joe Felsenstein. The interactive version then was writtenin C with much work by Hisashi Horino, Sean Lamont, Bill Alford, Mark Wells, Mike Palczewski, Doug Buxton, Elizabeth Walkup, Ben Zawadzki and Jim McGill.Hisashi and Sean wrote the C version,and the screen graphics for IBM PC and the first part of the Postscript printing system. Bill greatly improved and expanded the Postscript printing and the X windows graphics. Mark Wells did the original Macintosh version. Mike Palczewski greatly improved the Windows, Macintosh and X Windows graphical user interface, and Doug Buxton modified the program to the 3.0 version and prepared the executables for different operating systems. Elizabeth Walkup improved the X windows interaction and prepared version 3.3. Small documentation changes after version 4.0 were madeby me. Crappy bird mac os.
Copyright notice
Copyright 1993-2016. University of Washington and Joseph Felsenstein. Allrights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, perform, and modifythis program. Permission is granted to distribute or provide access to thisprogram provided that this copyright notice is not removed, this program isnot integrated with or called by any product or service that generatesrevenue, and that your distribution of this program is free. Any modifiedversions of this program that are distributed or accessible shall indicatethat they are based on this program. Educational institutions aregranted permission to distribute this program to their students and stafffor a fee to recover distribution costs. Permission requests for any otherdistribution of this program should be directed to license (at)
Joe Felsenstein Department of Genome Sciences University of Washington Box 355065 Seattle, WA 98195-5065, USA |
email: joe (at)
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Neko Drift Mac Os Catalina
Neko Drift Mac Os X
Neko Drift Mac Os Download
Neko Drift! Mac OS